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Discover Your Voice: Transforming Fear into Empowerment

Hey there, beautiful soul,

I'm so excited to share a piece of my heart with you today. It's all about a journey - not just any journey, but one that took me from teeth-chattering fear to standing tall and owning the power of my voice. Yeah, you heard that right - from trembling knees to confidently commanding the stage.

Let me take you back more than a decade ago. Picture this: Marin County, a church filled with 400 pairs of eyes eagerly waiting to hear what I had to say. If you had told me then that I'd be speaking in front of such a crowd, I would've laughed (or maybe cried) in disbelief. Public speaking?

Not my thing. The mere thought sent shivers down my spine.

But life has a funny way of nudging us out of our comfort zones. Enter Rev. Bill, a beacon of encouragement who saw something I couldn't see in myself then. He saw a story worth sharing, a voice waiting to be heard.

Now, let's be honest: I wasn't exactly jumping for joy at the prospect. Terrified is an understatement.

If there were a "Thanks but NO thank you" button, I would've pressed it without a second thought. Yet, I stood at the precipice of fear and opportunity, with Rev. Bill's unwavering belief propelling me forward.

And you know what? I did it. I took that leap, shaky knees and all. Was it easy? Heck no. But was it worth it? Absolutely.

At that moment, I discovered something profound that I want you to know, too. The journey from fear to empowerment isn't about erasing the fear altogether. It's about acknowledging, embracing, and then showing up anyway.

So, if you're doubting yourself right now - if that familiar knot of fear tightens in your chest at the mere thought of speaking in public - I want you to pause for a moment. Take a breath. And know this: you are not alone.

You are capable of so much more than you give yourself credit for. Trust me on this. If I, someone who once feared the spotlight like nobody's business, can find my voice, so can you.

In the spirit of transparency, I've shared my journey in a global interview with Yogi Rebecca Snowball. We talk about everything from overcoming fear to embracing the power of breath in preparation for speaking engagements. Spoiler alert: yoga's Mountain Pose and Alternate Nostril Breathing are game-changers.

So, my dear friend, I invite you to watch the interview, soak in the wisdom, and let it ignite a spark within you. Because your voice matters. Your story matters. And the world is waiting to hear it.

With love and endless belief in you,

Lynn Kirkham- Founder of Yes You Can Speak- Public Speaking Coach

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